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学生事务副院长 & 第九条协调员
titleixcoordinator@pugetpullway.com or jcronmiller@pugetpullway.com


的 第九条协调员 or Deputy Coordinator will assist the complainant in informing him/her of the process by which a complaint will be resolved in a prompt and equitable manner.

>> 第九条和不歧视



>> 第九条和不歧视



Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) prohibits discrimination 以性别为基础 in any federally funded education program or activity. 性别歧视包括基于性别的骚扰, discrimination 以性别为基础 and retaliation related to complaints of sex discrimination. 基于性别的骚扰是不受欢迎的行为,包括性骚扰, 包括但不限于性侵犯, other forms of sexual violence and other sexual misconduct and 性别-based harassment. 这适用于学术、教育、体育和住宿项目.



Immaculata大学 is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the University community is, 以性别为基础, 性取向或性别认同, 被排除在, 剥夺了…的好处, 或在任何大学课程或活动中受到歧视. 基于性别和性骚扰, 包括性暴力, are forms of sex discrimination in that they deny or limit an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from University programs or activities.

的 University will comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), the 揭露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案 (Clery Act), 经2013年《下载赌钱app手机版》(VAWA)修订, 以及1964年民权法案第七章, which prohibits discrimination 以性别为基础 in employment; and other applicable law.

大学的政策是提供教育, preventative and training programs regarding sexual or 性别-based harassment; to encour年龄 reporting of incidents; to prevent incidents of sexual and 性别-based harassment from denying or limiting an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s programs; to make available timely services for those who have been affected by discrimination; and to provide prompt and equitable methods of investigation and resolution to stop discrimination, 补救任何伤害,防止其再次发生.


伊玛库拉塔大学致力于提供教育, 工作, 课外学习, 为所有学生提供良好的社交和生活环境, 工作人员, 教师, 受托人, contract workers and visitors and prohibits any form of discrimination and harassment in any decision regarding admissions, employment or involvement in a University program or activity in accordance with the letter and spirit of federal, 状态, 以及当地的非歧视和平等机会法.

基于法律所禁止的歧视, 包括性, 比赛, 年龄, color, 残疾, 性别认同或表达, 遗传信息, 婚姻或家庭状况, 国家或民族出身, 性取向, 医疗条件, 退伍军人身份或其他受保护身份.

Clery行动/ VAWA

的 揭露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案 (Clery Act) requires higher education institutions to publicly report crimes that occur on their campuses. 根据克莱利法案, Immaculata大学 publishes an annual security report containing important safety information and crime statistics from the previous three years within set geographic boundaries. 这些数据包括校园里发生的犯罪, in certain non-campus buildings or properties that are owned or controlled by Immaculata大学, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

的 U.S. 教育部校园犯罪报告手册 协助大学和学院满足克莱利法案的要求. 根据法律, 当一个受害者, 见证, other third party or even the offender brings it to the attention of a Campus Security Authority (CSA) or local law enforcement officer. A CSA is an individual within the Immaculata community who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. 如果发生犯罪,应立即拨打610-854-2451或分机5555举报.



Immaculata大学 is required to report the crimes regardless of whether the victim chooses to file the incident with law enforcement or to press charges. 如果校园安全部门对下载赌钱app手机版是否应该报告有任何疑问, 他们必须在报道中犯错误,而且要尽快这样做. Campus Security Authorities should not investigate the crime or attempt to determine whether a crime took place. 的 Department of Safety and Protection will contact them if any additional information is needed.

的 University is required to disclose statistics for offenses that occur (1) on campus (2) in or on non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, (3)校园内或紧挨着校园的公共财产.g.、街道、人行道及停车场).


  • 谋杀,过失和非过失杀人罪
  • 性罪行包括强奸、爱抚、乱伦及法定强奸
  • 抢劫
  • 加重攻击罪
  • 入室盗窃
  • 机动车辆盗窃
  • 纵火
  • All liquor, drug or weapons violations resulting in arrest or referral for disciplinary action
  • 约会暴力
  • 家庭暴力
  • 跟踪

伊玛库拉塔大学也被要求报告仇恨犯罪的统计数据. 就报告而言, please report any crime as a hate crime where there is any indication that the victim was selected because of the victim’s actual or perceived 比赛, 国家的起源, 种族, 宗教, 残疾, 性别, 性别认同或性取向. CSA’s should tell a person who comes to them to report a crime that they are required to report the incident to 校园安全 and Protection. 如果当事人要求保密,他们应该告知当事人, 该报告将不包括身份信息, 但如果是性行为不端的下载赌钱app手机版, the 第九条协调员 will be informed of the victim’s identity and be notified that the victim wishes to maintain confidentiality.



第106节.45(b) of the 2020 Title IX regulations requires the sharing of “all materials used to train 第九条协调员s, 调查人员, 决策者和任何促成非正式解决过程的人. 接受者必须在其网站上公开提供这些培训材料, or if the recipient does not maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public.”

的 Title IX Office at Immaculata大学 facilities training using in-house training materials and 工作 with external vendors. IU will make both forms of training materials available on this website and updates will be made on an on-going basis.

If you have any questions or would like to request a training session for a class or organization please contact 詹妮尔Cronmiller at jcronmiller@pugetpullway.com.



If this is an emergency please contact 校园安全 at 610-647-4400 x555 or 610-854-2451. 校园安全 & 保护位于露台层的卢尔德大厅. 否则,请使用我们的事故报告及关注表格


Students may notify the University of their pregnancy related condition by using our 怀孕和育儿调整请求 Form.

